Aug 19, 2010

Not so magnificent Seven ride again

Seven fools and seven bevels hit the south of France for 4 days of fantastic riding and Mayhem.

This really is one of the best riding areas in Europe, many magazines go there to test their bikes as well as some of the factories, if you fancy it Martin at Maison St George is a fantastic host with loads of local knowledge, try it.

You'd think with all that gear he might have packed a decent shirt!

Some local lads checking out Nick's 860

Neil, me, Andy, Pete, Neil and Paul

Nicks with his stunning 860 special, take a look at what I sold him six months before, just goes to show what a bit of determination, hard work, understanding wife, skill and not to mention Money can do!

Martin our host, just dreaming of owning a bevel, one day Martin, one day.

Thought your wife took way too much gear for a two week break to the sun? Try 4 days with Pete,

Second thoughts......Don't.

We'd just broken the news to Nick in the background that he might be sharing a room with Pete, poor man.

Pete the Greek again, this time doing some Greek dancing.

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