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Ken Bruce 250

Ken Bruce 250 1.JPG

Another fine restoration out of Ken Bruce’s workshop

The 250C is a lovely little 17'teener special from the very early 1970's. Its covered in great little design touches and made from top kit from Italy. I don't ever remember seeing one when I was a kid in the 70's. The press of the day said it simply too expensive and we were all on RD's GT's and CB's. Its done less than 10,000 miles and was probably thrown into some garage for years after the electrics proved completely rubbish! It's a very early model, fitted with points \ magneto and a 6v system which i've now replaced with modern 12v electrics. I bought this one in a pretty sad state to prevent it being broken up for spares and I started work on it in the summer of 2011. It's undergone a complete restoration in my workshop, and as spares have been hard to locate a few bits and bobs have had to be made specially for it. The frame was stripped and recoated in silver (not black as standard) because I thought it would compliment the green colour scheme. The paint was redone to as close to original as possible and all the chrome parts have been replated. All in all its a little cracker.

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Ken Bruce 250 11.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 12.JPG

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Ken Bruce 250 3.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 4.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 5.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 6.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 7.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 8.JPG

Ken Bruce 250 9.JPG

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         Telephone:           07715 022718
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